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Volumetric LED Displays in Digital Design – A True 3D Experience

In the rapidly evolving world of digital design, LED technology continues to push boundaries and redefine what is possible. One of the latest and most exciting advancements in this field is the development of volumetric LED displays. These cutting-edge displays are transforming the way we experience visual content, moving us from the flat, two-dimensional screens we’re accustomed to into a three-dimensional realm that offers unparalleled depth and immersion.

From Pixels to Voxels: A New Dimension in LED Technology

Traditional LED displays rely on pixels, tiny dots of light that form images and videos on a screen. Each pixel represents a single point of light, and collectively, they create the visual content we see. By overlaying images made with 2D pixels—a technique known as stereophotogrammetry—it's possible to create a holographic illusion that our brain perceives as 3D. This is the principle behind 3D movies and virtual reality goggles.

For true 3D content, however, a technological breakthrough was needed – enter volumetric displays! Volumetric LED displays extend the concept into the third dimension, creating points of light that exist in 3D space. This transition from 2D pixels to 3D 'volumetric pixels',  AKA 'voxels', allows for the creation of displays that can be viewed from multiple angles, offering a different perspective with each viewpoint.  Volumetric displays create an authentic 3D experience.

How Volumetric LED Displays Work

At the core of volumetric LED technology is the ability to control light in three dimensions. Each voxel is controlled individually, allowing for precise and dynamic displays that can create complex 3D shapes and animations. Achieving this requires both advanced LED array hardware and sophisticated software to generate volumetric images.

There are several volumetric display panels currently available in the market, including LEDpulse’s Dragon2.0 system (shown below), with many more in development.  Fully harnessing this technology, however, requires the capability of rendering 3D content. Traditionally this was limited to those with extensive programming and engineering prowess.  However, the innovative software tool RayTK has opened this domain to artists of various backgrounds for the first time. Created by Immerse Studio’s lead engineer Tekt, RayTK allows for real-time edits and adjustments, distinguishing it from traditional 3D modeling tools.

Learn more about the origins of RayTK HERE!

By combining RayTK with these advanced LED displays, one can create truly immersive and awe-inspiring installations. Immerse Studio is proud to be at the forefront of this technological shift.

Applications of Volumetric LED Displays

The applications for volumetric LED displays are vast and varied, spanning multiple industries:

  1. Entertainment and Media: Imagine concerts and performances where holographic images enhance the visual experience, or movies that offer a 3D viewing experience without the need for special glasses.

  2. Advertising and Marketing: Businesses can create eye-catching and interactive displays that attract and engage customers in ways traditional 2D screens cannot.

  3. Medical Visualization: Doctors and surgeons could use volumetric displays to view detailed 3D models of anatomy, improving diagnosis and planning for complex surgeries.

Imagine, Innovate, Immerse.

Volumetric LED displays represent the next frontier in digital design and display technology. By adding a dimension from pixel to voxel, the potential for creating immersive and engaging visual experiences grows exponentially. Whether in entertainment, education or marketing, the potential applications for this technology are limitless! As we continue to explore and develop this exciting field, the future of visual content is set to become more dynamic and three-dimensional than ever before.


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